Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Bead Soup Blog Party and Party Bracelet Class

Every year I see the Blog Hop and every year I am just a bit too late to take part. This year I have set my calendar to remind me! I really want to take part. So, keep watch to see how it goes - I'll be posting it all right here!
Hey, if you're one of my wonderful beadie friends, click the link and consider joining the Party.

I will be scheduling a class for the Macrame Party bracelet (see a pic below) soon. We have tentatively chosen March 1, 2014, 1pm to 3pm at Suzi's A Bead Boutique. Space is limited and we will require reservations in advance. I will supply everyone with a supply list prior to class and most of the supplies will be available to buy from me and/or at the shop. I am making up bead sets for use in the bracelets and plan to make a very special price for anyone taking the class.
If you can't make the class, we can make arrangements for a private class.

In other news - as usual, I will not be doing any art shows this month. I will be back to the Second Saturday Market at Alexandria Museum of Art on March 8, 2014, 9am to 1pm. If you are a regular at the 2nd Saturday market, the museum has scheduled a special fiber show and hands-on workshop for this month's usual market.

Confetti Macrame Party Bracelet by DebiDeaux

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