Monday, May 03, 2010

Beginning Beadmaking Class at NOCGI

This is the one you've been waiting for and asking for...

Beginning Glass Bead Making One Weekend Class w/ Debi Deaux: This one weekend class will cover studio safety and setup, torches and tools, supplies and suppliers. Using Moretti/Effetre glass, students will learn about shaping, surface decoration techniques and color reactions. The student will be introduced to basic flame working skills, including making stringers, stringer control, pulling cane, dots and dot distortion techniques, flowers and encased flowers, complex shaping and sculptural beads. Students should leave the class in possession of a fundamental knowledge of glass bead making, a collection of their own beads and enough safety information to setup their own studio or rent the lampworking studio here at N.O.C.G.I. The cost of the class is $300.00 and is all inclusive. A deposit of ½ down is required to hold your seat in the class. If you are interested in this class please contact Jenny via email ( or call the studio (504.482.6003). There must be a minimum of 3 students in the class to make it run. 5 seats are available for this class

Class Dates and Times: Saturday, May 22nd, 9am-4pm

Sunday, May 23rd, 10am-4pm

You can also contact me for the application. Call me at 504.343.9831 or email debideauxATcoxDOTnet. In an effort to slow the spammers down, be sure to change the AT to an @ and DOT to a .
I am looking forward to an exciting class.
Flame On!

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