Sunday, August 02, 2009

Fresh From the Flames

Coral, pea green, ink blue. I posted a question on Facebook yesterday for a 3 color combo for fun. First to answer was Marci of Studio Marci.
I don't think I'd ever used this particular coral as a base before. I found out right away that it didn't take kindly to being the base. So, about the second or third bead I started by laying down a small tube of clear then layered the coral on top. What a difference. Anytime I come across a color that doesn't like being moved around a lot, a small base of clear or any other transparent will bring almost always bring it right into the happy place. The pea green stringer wasn't being very nice either but I think that was mostly me. My hands were not as steady as they should have been for stringer control. The ink blue looks lost in the pic but is much better looking in person. Although, next time I think I will encase some white in the ink blue next time. Also am thinking I will reverse the colors - use the pea green as a base for the coral and ink blue. hhhmmm...
Flame On!

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