Monday, February 16, 2009

Social Websites

I am wondering -
I see so many of my fellow artists at the social sites these days - Facebook, Twitter, My Space, LinkedIn, just to name a small few. Then there are all the "handmade, artist-made" sites like Indiepublic, Cafe Handmade, American Craft Guide, Handmade by Me, and tons more. (I know, I think I belong to every single one)
I sign up for all these sites and try to keep up with them. But how does anyone have time for their art when you hafta spend so much time promoting it?
Just wondering...
Till later - Flame On!

1 comment:

angelinabeadalina said...

When you figure that one out, please let me know! I don't even try to do all of them because I know I'll forget something :)

Hope you're having a wonderful start to the week!